Комп'ютерна Академія IT STEP - повноцінна IT-освіта для дорослих і дітей. Ми навчаємо з 1999 року. Авторські методики, викладачі-практики, 100% практичних занять.
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Як частина великої родини ITSTEP, ми увібрали в себе багаторічний досвід навчання і втілили це в напрямку вивчення англійської мови
Програма складається з 2 семестрів по 32 уроки (64 заняття по 1 год 30 хв) та 2 тижнів підготовки до фінальних іспитів. В кінці курсу за умови складання фінального тесту на оцінку 70%+ студент отримує сертифікат із зазначенням оцінки у 12-бальній шкалі та у відсотках. Студент, який отримав сертифікат запрошується на наступну програму TEENS+
Getting to know each other. Speaking class.
Your personality. Vocabulary and listening class.
Your avatar. Reading and vocabulary class.
Present Simple and Present Continuous. Grammar class.
Adverbs of frequency. Grammar and speaking class.
State and action verbs. Grammar and listening class.
Revision class.
Epic journeys. Vocabulary and listening class.
Travel and vacation. Types of vacations. Vocabulary and listening class.
Past Simple and Past Continuous. Grammar class.
Travel. Phrasal verbs. Vocabulary and listening class.
Used to. Speaking about habits in the past. Grammar class.
Articulation class: tongue twisters. Asking for information. Vocabulary drill.
Past Perfect. Grammar and listening class.
City life. Vocabulary and reading class.
Life in different cities. Listening and vocabulary drill class.
Phrasal verbs connected with cities. Listening drill.
A tiny house. Reading and speaking class.
Present Perfect and Past Simple. Grammar class.
Extreme adjectives. Grammar and vocabulary class.
Awesome!!! Use of ultimate adjectives. Speaking and reading class.
Present Perfect Continuous. Grammar class.
Food. Vocabulary and listening class.
World’s cuisines. Reading and speaking class.
Future of food. Ways of expressing future. Vocabulary and grammar class.
New Year resolutions. Vocabulary and speaking class.
Life of learning. Reading and vocabulary class. Listening.
Modals. Grammar class.
Noun suffixes. Grammar and vocabulary class.
First and second conditionals. Grammar class. Listening.
Writing a formal letter. Writing class. Speaking.
Appliances. Vocabulary and listening class.
Passive voice. World of science. Grammar and vocabulary class.
Passive voice. Grammar drill and reading class.
Prepositions. Grammar and listening class.
Inventions and discoveries. Vocabulary and speaking class.
Agreeing and disagreeing. Speaking class.
Sports. Vocabulary and reading class.
Superstitions. Vocabulary and listening class. Speaking.
Phrasal verbs connected with sport. Vocabulary and grammar drill.
Defining relative clauses. Grammar and reading class.
Non-defining relative clauses. Grammar and speaking class.
Art. Vocabulary and speaking class. Reading.
Inspiration. Vocabulary and listening class.
Reported speech. Grammar class.
Reported questions: grammar drill.
Reported commands and requests. Grammar and speaking class.
Shopping. Vocabulary and speaking class. Listening.
Saving money. Collocations with money. Vocabulary and listening class.
Indeterminate pronouns. Grammar class.
Plural of nouns. Grammar and reading class.
Science and technology. Vocabulary and listening class. Speaking.
Time. Idioms with time. Vocabulary class. Speaking and listening.
Uncountable nouns. Grammar class.
Gerunds. Grammar class. Speaking and grammar drill.
Contrasting: as well/although/despite. Grammar drill. Speaking.
Adverbs. Grammar class. Reading and listening.
‘Go’ - expressions. Vocabulary and listening class. Speaking.
Word partners. Reading and speaking class.
Оплата частинами
Семестрова оплата
Повна оплата
Навчальні групи формуються до 10 учнів, щоб вчитель міг приділити увагу кожній дитині.